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Home personal development 3 Tips For A Happier Life

Is it possible to have a life that is always happy? Sure it is, but it is not easy to always be happy. Happiness takes work. Like so many other things in our lives, happiness takes consistent daily action.

As the Dali Lama says:

“Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions.”

So, with that being said, how can we live a happy life?

Here are my three tips for a happier life:

1. Change your thoughts and beliefs about life.

Negative thoughts don’t operate alone. They have an ally- something that gives them the confidence to attack you. That ally is your beliefs. No matter how hard you may try to change those negative thoughts into positive ones, if your beliefs are negative, being positive might be hard.

Have your beliefs and thoughts led you down the road of unhappiness? Do your negative thoughts and beliefs feed the cycle?

The answer is YES.

How do I get rid of the negative thoughts and beliefs? IGNORE THEM.

Ignoring negative self talk takes power away from it. When we begin to ignore, we begin to take back the power of negative beliefs and thoughts. When we take back the power we clear our minds. When we clear our minds we open up the opportunity to replace the old, persistent negative beliefs and thoughts with positive self-talk.

Ignore them and then replace them – this is the road to changing your life from unhappiness to happiness.

2. Make a decision to be happy.

Happiness is a decision and decisions are powerful.

No matter how negative your thoughts are – you must realize that they are only thoughts and YOU control them. Your mind will respect your decision to be happy. It will fall under the influence of a determined choice to live a certain way – the way of happiness versus unhappiness. This is the power of decision-making.

Make a definite, determined, unshakable decision to live a happy life.

What if the negative thoughts creep back in?

Make another definite, determined, unshakable decision to live a happy life.

The more you do this – the easier it becomes and the more likely you are to succeed.

Remember: Happiness takes work – but it is well worth the time and energy!

3. Get around happy people to attract happiness into your life.

Here is a truth you must not forget: You are influenced by what and who you surround yourself.

Said another way: We become who we surround ourselves with.

If the people in your circle of life are not adding value and happiness to your life, then it is time to get a new circle or cut the ones who do not add value and happiness.  

Sounds harsh, but this is your life. You only get one chance at it – you must protect it from anything and anyone that does not add happiness.

The fastest way to begin living a happier life is to develop relationship with people who are happy. Let their happiness rub off on you and then turn around and do the same for them.

“Most folks are are as happy as they make up their minds to be.” Abraham Lincoln

Are you ready to live a happier life?

Change your beliefs and thoughts from negative to positive.

Make a definite, determine and unshakable decision to be happy.

Surround yourself with happy people.

I’m rooting for you!

Your Turn:

What would you add to this list of tips?

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