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7 Ways to Realize Your Value

A sparrow is a marvelous bird that represents joy; many sparrows represent abundant joy. Your own presence on this Earth, though, is of more value than even a flock of sparrows. If you don’t believe this, ponder this quote from the Matthew 10:31 Fear not, therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows.

Yes, my friend, even if you feel invisible and unimportant, you are not. You are valuable to our creator, our community and to me. In addition to the quote shared above, here are seven more ways to realize your value:

1. Choose bucket-fillers. One of the best ways to realize your value is to surround yourself with people who fill up your bucket. Spend time with friends and/or family that have a track record of filling you with love and praise, rather than sadness and negativity.

2. Don’t be modest. When working to realize your own value, don’t be modest. Ask people in your life to tell you or write what they respect or appreciate about you. If you’re nervous to do, preface it by telling them you’re working on a self-care project and could really use their feedback. The Marvelous Life Dream Box can help you to not be modest and realize your value. Your box is waiting for you here:

3. Focus on others. Assuming your self-worth is not suffering because you spend too much time focused on others, giving back can be a wonderful way to recognize your own value as a human. When you see you’re capable of improving the lives of others through volunteer work, your eyes will be opened to just how valuable you are to others.

4. Focus on you. Sometimes in the busyness of life, our identity gets lost in the shuffle. If you feel invisible or unimportant, take time each day to focus on you. This can be as simple as a daily ritual of tea in a comfy chair thinking about what makes you special. Jot down a few of these thoughts as simple bullet points in a journal to come back to and read when you’re feeling particularly low.

5. Be careful with social media. Social media can be a blessing and a curse when it comes to realizing your value. On one hand, it may connect you with friends and family that build you up. On the other hand, it may negatively affect your own feelings of self-worth if you have a tendency to compare your life to all the “perfect” lives of those in your social media world. Be cognizant of the pros and cons of social media on your feelings and perhaps try unplugging for a few days to see how it makes you feel.

6. Try something new. Sometimes feeling invisible can go hand in hand with being in a rut. This is a wonderful time in your life to try something new; something you’ve always wanted to do but never taken the time to do so. Maybe it’s playing an instrument or taking cooking lessons? Maybe it’s joining a hiking club or a reading group at the library? By putting yourself out there and trying something new, you’ll see the value in yourself as someone that is bold, brave and alive.

7. Don’t be afraid. When it comes to realizing your value, don’t be afraid to ask for help if you need it. Sometimes it takes a professional to crack open the door in order for you to begin to walk through it. Some people who can help realize your value are your faith leader, a counselor or a life coach.

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