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Home Uncategorized Fear and Self-doubt is an Enemy to Success

doubtIf you take a look at successful men and women, you will probably observe that they seem fairly confident. They also tend to look like they are enjoying their lives pretty well. Let me clue you in on a little secret: They are confident and enjoying their success because they have learned valuable lessons on their way to success. The odds are against that success just fell from the sky onto their lap. No, they learned how to get through things like fear, doubt, and many obstacles. They persevered and kept plodding forward toward success.

So can you.

Fear and doubt are enemies

Bet and believe that as you pursue success, fear and doubt will try to be your companions. In fact, fear and doubt keep many individuals stuck on the road to mediocrity. They want to be successful, but they do not know how to contend with fear when it rises. They doubt their ability to really accomplish their goals, so they settle for whatever they are doing now. They don’t realize that fear and doubt are enemies, but there are ways to defeat such enemies.

Make a plan

As you walk on your path to success, make a plan to handle fear and doubt when they come. Sit down and make a list of things you can do to get past them. For example, when fear comes you can read a motivational book that gets you motivated to keep going despite the fear. When doubt comes call up your friend that will encourage you to muster up the courage to keep moving forward and remind you that you are a strong, confident person. By thinking about these things ahead of time and determining how you will contend with them, you are one step ahead of the game!

See yourself successful

The power of visualization is amazing. Research shows that those who visualize their goals being accomplished are more apt to accomplish those goals than those who do not. Visualizing simply means seeing it in your mind. It is sort of like daydreaming. If you want your business to be the most popular in your community, see it packed full of people and feel how excited you are about that. If you want to be a doctor, visualize you doing surgery on others. The point is to see yourself achieving your goals and dreams as often as possible because as you do, fear and doubt will not be able to touch you.

Walk with courage

To have courage simply means that you walk through fearful situations despite the fear. You feel the fear and do it anyway. Learn how to tap into the reservoir of courage that is deep within you and get past those hurdles of fear and doubt. Once you’ve done this a couple of times, you will begin to feel more confident and be able to contend with fear and doubt when it does come. Fear and self-doubt are certainly enemies that you can contend with. Take a look at those who are successful and know that they have contended with such enemies and have come out ahead. They walk with courage knowing that they can defeat fear and doubt and live successful lives.

So can you.

How will you overcome your fears?

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