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How to Be Positive in Every Life Season

To be happy or sad is a choice. You can decide to be happy when all is not right and be sad when all is going well. If you are a seasoned woman between 45 to 65 years old, in order to be positive no matter what you are going through, you need to make happiness a habit and not an act. Even if you feel invisible or not appreciated you can have a Marvelous life and be happy no matter what. Here are some tips on how to be positive no matter what.

Embrace Your Mistakes
Mistakes are inevitable in every aspect of our lives. By accepting the fact that you are human, you have to learn to embrace your mistakes and find them as an opportunity to learn and prevent regret. You may feel the need to be perfect, but no person is perfect.

Exercise regularly
Studies show that about 30 minutes of daily exercise will make you happy regardless of how sad you may be. Unhappiness can result from stressing our bodies and minds and regular exercise raises your heart rate performance and triggers a sense of total well-being and you begin to feel well again, the mental stress is gone and everything is under control. Going for a walk also helps. When you go on a walk, you are able to think over issues that are bothering you and obvious solutions to the problems.

Enjoy the Moment
Take time out to enjoy every moment of your life because life is a blessing. Look beyond the present problem and try to stay close to friends and share your challenges with them and before you know it, the problem will be resolved. As the saying goes, “A problem said is a problem half solve”. Sharing a problem and staying close to friends really work so don’t be afraid to express your mind.

Be Optimistic
Change is an inevitable thing and no situation is permanent. Try to develop a positive attitude whenever you are feeling depressed or sad, always remember that it’s temporary and that tomorrow will be better, tough times don’t last but resilient and marvellous people do.

Always try to be happy and wear a smile always, even when you feel the world is turning against you. When our body acts in a positive or negative way, our emotions follow. Nonetheless, a simple smile costs you nothing but it creates much and makes you positive no matter what you are going through. So learn to live life to its fullest. Learn to live in your God-given life purpose. You will be glad you did.

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