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Home Personal Power Personal Power Series: What Is Personal Power?

For the next several weeks, we will be looking into the concept of personal power and how it influences every area of our lives. We will begin by defining personal power and then relate it to areas like change, productivity, love, self-esteem, public speaking and coaching.

It is my hope and desire that we will gain a powerful foundation upon which we can understand and use personal power in our life, family and business.

So let’s begin by:

Defining Personal Power

If you Google the term “personal power” you get millions of  results. Trying “what is personal power?” brings in even more. Obviously, there are a few definitions of the term and several ways to approach it. I want to approach personal power from, well, the personal standpoint.

What is personal power – and more importantly, how will it help me?

How will it help me this year in my personal life as I seek to grow and flourish?

How will it help me as a member of a family?

How will it help me as a worker with a career – as a professional business person?

How will having a strong sense of personal power help me to help others?

In my book, any definition of personal power must include these factors:

1. It must be personal.

2. It must be powerful.

3. It must achieve change.

Personal:  Personal power’s influence must start within you. It must help you to “clean out your closets of your life.”  Then, and only then, should your personal power be used to effect others.

Powerful:  It’s power must be potent and able to exert great force in the world.

Change:  This is the focus of personal power – positive change in the world.

So here is my definition of personal power:

Personal power is a potent force within us that seeks to achieve change in our ourselves, our families, our business and our world.

More to the point -> A potent force within us to achieve change.

In the coming weeks, we will look at how this potent force can be used in a variety of ways to achieve positive change in us and our world.

Until then…. let’s chat in the comments.

Your Turn:

What is your favorite definition of personal power? What is it for you and your life?


Wouldn’t it be nice to surround yourself with positive people who believe in you and inspire you? That is exactly what happens at our UP Woman Circle Events. You are invited to the next one on February 1, 2013.  Details here.

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