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Home coaching Start Executing Your Dream Today!

Too many people talk big talk about their dream, but do little to nothing to execute that dream.

What do you dream of doing in life?

Do you dream of:

  • Being a powerful woman who stands for something and touches the lives of thousands?
  • Changing the lives of those in need at home or abroad?
  • Speaking in public with knowledge and authority?
  • Having the love and respect of your family, friends and co workers?
  • Having a monument erected in your name and likeness in your city or origin?

Whatever your dream, the most important question you need to look inside and ask yourself is:

What am I doing to execute my dream?

Take a look at the definition of the word “Execute”

So the question is:

What are you doing today to carry out, perform, accomplish and produce your dream from thought to reality?

Let me give you a power laden truth and then we will look at ways you can execute your dream.

Always rememberA dream is only a dream unless you bring it to fruition.

3 Ways To Start Executing Your Dream Today

1. Develop a plan.

Someone once said that a man (or woman) without a vision is a man (or woman) without a future. In order to begin to execute and accomplish your dream you must have a plan that gives legs to your vision. Your plan is the instrument or tool that you will use of a daily basis to set your course and navigate the path.

Your plan is the compass, the GPS system for the actions needed in order to reach your dream.

Without a plan – you will

  • wander aimlessly
  • get frustrated
  • encounter discouragement
  • quit
Much has been written about how to develop a plan for your dreams. Michael Hyatt has a wonderful (and free) resource entitled Creating Your Personal Life Plan . My book Clean Out The Closets of your Life is another powerful (my humble opinion) resource that helps you determine and fulfill your plan.

2. Work with a coach

Working from dream to reality can sometimes be a lonely journey. When the rough patches hit, we often need a guide, a cheerleader a life coach to help us manage our way through.

Over the years of my career, I have learned that I have enjoyed great success when working with a personal mentor.

Those mentors were able to :

  • listen to my dream
  • help me voice it in a way that empowered me
  • offer sage wisdom when I struggled to find answers
  • keep me accountable to the process of reaching my dreams
Do not feel like you have to do this alone. Get someone in your corner who will help you to execute your dream.

3. Get off your duff and ACT

Let me state the obvious: You will never have a monument erected in your name and likeness if you do not get up, power up and act!

Anthony Robbins says it best…

“The path to success is to take massive, determined action.” 

This is where most people fail. They have a dream, they develop a plan, they even work with a coach – and then they sit back and think about it, write a few things down, make an extra appointment with their coach…

and do nothing.

It won’t work! You have to decide to act and then act. You must do the work.

I would love to sugar coat this part for you, but the truth of the matter is that unless and until you actually take “massive, determine action” your dream of being a powerful woman who stands for something and touches the lives of thousands will never happen.

The good news is simple, yet powerful: You have the power to release the driving force inside you and bring your dreams to reality! I believe it. I speak about it to thousands of people each year. I have seen it happen over and over again.

Your Turn:

What is your dream? What are you doing to execute that dream? What other things would you suggest? How have those suggestions worked for you?

Continue the conversation in the comments!

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