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Home Uncategorized Inoffensive Ways to Share Your Faith at Work

Inoffensive Ways to Share Your Faith at Work

When you are a passionate believer in God, it is natural to want to share your profound love for Him in all your realms: home, church, clubs and work.  However, if this sharing is not done with tact and grace it is quite possible you will have co-workers that are disinterested or sometimes even offended with you sharing your faith on the job.  Don’t be discouraged, though.  There are still many ways to share your faith at work that are respectful and inoffensive to others. Here are some suggestions:

Answer if asked

If a co-worker asks you a question about your life outside of work, don’t feel like you have to omit your Christianity.  For example, if a co-worker says, “What did you do this weekend?”  it is totally okay to say “I went to Church” or “I volunteered with a group from my Church at the community gardens.” Don’t go overboard with details (as that could be offensive to some people) but use the conversation as an opportunity to share this important part of yourself.  If your co-worker follows your answer up with a question like, “What Church do you go to?” or “That’s really awesome, how could I volunteer?” then by all means tell more!

Lead by example

Sure (in most cases) it would be offensive to start preaching in the conference room, but that doesn’t mean you have to cease practicing what you preach at work!  Even the most religion-free workplace provides a multitude of opportunities to share your faith through good deeds and actions.  Most companies and businesses participate in community service days – take the lead and volunteer to help organize or run such events. If someone asks you what motivates you to always be giving back or helping others, it’s okay to answer truthfully:  your love for the Lord.  Above all, model the Christian spirit at work.  Always practice kindness, never gossip and be a support to your co-workers and the community you work in.

Start a lunch group

Consider starting a lunch group with other men and women of faith and those who possibly wish to exercise their faith more. Or start a bible study or a woman of faith networking group at your church. You can invite people personally. It’s important not to be pushy when doing so, but just gracefully extend the invitation and leave it as that.  You may be surprised who shows up!

These are just a few ways you can share your Christian faith with your co-workers in a way that will not offend, but quite possibly inspire. Know your company policy when it comes to religious beliefs. Be true to yourself in all places – work included – just as the Lord is true to you in all places.

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