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Home Empowerment How I Used DECAF To Empower My Life

I have been writing and speaking about DECAF for years. It’s a little system I put together to help people with their decision making and productivity.

More than that, DECAF is a plan of action and a way of living.

You will see what I mean by that in a moment, but first I want you to take a look at a short video (1:45) where I explain how I’ve been using DECAF lately.


DE – Decide

C – Commit

A – Act

F – Follow through

  1. I decide to be healthier and start walking.
  2. commit in my heart and mind to walking.
  3. I act on that decision and commitment in tangible ways (The 2.5 miles was fun!).
  4. I follow through with the decision, commitment and action each day.

See how it works?

Now here’s the meat of my little system:

For every *important decision that you make, DECAF can be used to keep you focused and on track.

( I define ‘important” as something that will change the way you act or think for longer than 1 week)

  • You Decide to get healthy – use DECAF
  • You Decide to expand your business – use DECAF
  • You Decide to enhance your marriage – use DECAF
  • You Decide to hire new team members – use DECAF
  • You Decide to change your thinking patterns – use DECAF

What will DECAF add to my life?

Better decision-making

Greater productivity

Increased focus

Strong sense of commitment

Determined action


Do you see now how DECAF will become a plan of action and a way of living for you?

While each part of DECAF is powerful for your life, you must remember: “your fortune is in your follow through.” 

If you make a 100% commitment to your follow through – your life will change for the better.

I’ve used DECAF in my own life for years – I recommend you try it today!

Your Turn:

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