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Home goal setting Personal Power Series: Personal Power and Productivity

This is week three of our series on Personal Power . So far, we have defined Personal Power and talked about it in relationship to change.

Today we are focusing on Personal Power and Productivity.

What is productivity?

Once again, I like the Business Dictionary’s definition:

Productivity is: “A measure in converting inputs into useful outputs.”

When you are acting in a productive manner, you are efficiently transforming your work into something that can be used – by you, your family and/or your business.

How can I be (more) productive?

4 Actions Needed to Cultivate Productivity in Your Life:

1. Define your goals, action plans and to do list.
2. Find or develop your productivity system.
3. Explore the technology available.
4. Evaluate, evaluate, evaluate.

Remember: Personal Power is  “a potent force within us that seeks to achieve change in ourselves, our families, our business and our world.” Moving towards a more productive life is a change that must flow from your personal power. So – Power UP! as you move.

Define Your Goals, Action Plans and To Do List

This first action needed to become more productive is the ground upon which the productivity house is built. We must first know what we want to achieve (goals), the plans we have in order to achieve it (action plans) and the things we must do to get it done (to do list).

Do you like to brainstorm ideas and then turn the good ones into goals? I do!

Use a notebook, a white board or even a napkin while sitting at your favorite restaurant (I’ve done that before) and capture your ideas. Whittle them down to the most outstanding ones and set them as goals.

Step two of the process involves thinking about (and writing down) the major actions that will be necessary in order to reach the goal.

Will you need to develop a blog? How about hire an employee or find and intern? What about training – will you need additional training in order to achieve your goal? These are your action plans.

Then get specific and develop your “To Do” list. These are the specific things that you must do to accomplish your action plans and, therefore, your goals.

Once you have these three things written down, I recommend you find (or develop) a system that will help keep you focused and productive as you work toward your goals.

Find or Develop Your Productivity System

Systems are a dime a dozen. That doesn’t mean that there are not some good ones out there, it just means that they only work to the extent that you are willing and able to work them.

Three popular productivity systems are:

David Allen’s Getting Things Done
Francesco Cirillo’s Pomodoro Technique
Time Management Matrix that popularized by the late Stephen Covey

For me, it doesn’t matter what system you use. What matters is:

1. The system must be comfortable and easy to use FOR YOU to use.
2. The system must not complicate things.
3. The system must keep you focused.

My advice is to take bits and pieces from the established systems and then add in the spice that makes it right for you.

Explore The Technology Available

I just googled the phrase “gadgets to be more productive” and here is the first page of results .

Take a look and see – there has got to be something that will help as you seek to be more productive.

Will a laptop help?

How about the ease of use of an iPad?

A smartphone that allows you to check email on the go?

A product management software?

Explore the technology. You do not have to be a completely tied to it, but you can use it as an assistant.

Evaluate, Evaluate, Evaluate!

My best advice is to always be evaluating your productivity. Evaluate your most productive time during the day to work. Evaluate whether you like working in silence or with music.

Ask a friend to use a space in their office for a week and then evaluate whether having an office in your home or away from it makes you more productive.

Evaluate your productivity system. Is it keeping you focused? Do you spend too much time trying to figure out all of its bells and whistles?

Evaluate, evaluate and then evaluate again. It is the thing that will keep you moving forward smoothly to achieve your goals.

Final Note: Personal Power and Productivity work hand-in-hand. The greater your personal power, the better your productivity. The more victories you achieve with your productivity, the more personal power you build into your life. Win, WIN!

As always, I’m rooting for you!

Your Turn:

What method, system or technique do you use to help you with productivity? Let’s compare and share ideas in the comments!

P.S. If you have not already done so, Sign up for my “How To Live an UP (Undeniably Powerful) Life” ebook absolutely free!


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