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Home Empowerment Four Crazy Tips For Building Confidence

I’m sure that you have read numerous posts, articles and books about building confidence over the years. It’s not only a “hot topic” but something that all of us need  along this journey called life.

When I sat down this morning to write about confidence, I wanted to give you tips that you had not heard in all those books.

So here we go – 4 crazy tips for building confidence:

1. Sit on the front row.

Confident people are always focused, attentive and ready to go. They cannot get the information, inspiration, motivation they need fast enough.

Their drive is in constant need – what better place to get filled-up and satisfied than on the front row of a meeting, conference or church.

Confident people sit on the front row.

2. Back into your parking spot.

Confidence comes when we are looking forward and not ruminating over what lies behind.

We build personal power when we are looking at the front window of life.

Act like you mean it and back into your parking spot.

While you are at it – always park up front.

3. Never accept change.

I’m talking about money here. If you bill at the drive-thru is $4.54, hand the attendant 5 bucks and proceed to the next window.

Thirsty? Buy a soda at 7 Eleven for $1.39, give the guy 2 dollars and walk out the door.


Because confident folks know that they must be different from the crowd. They do follow the herd, but blaze new trails.

Not accepting change also reinforces the mindset that you are worth the whole amount, not the left-overs.

There is also the notion that you get to keep those very things that you give away.

Try it – see what happens and how you feel afterwards!

4. Bury the words “I Can’t”


Build a tombstone with the words R.I.P. I Can’t on it.

Put today’s date on it.

Have someone take your picture holding the tombstone.

Make copies of that picture and place them on your bathroom mirror, in your car and anywhere else where you will surely see them on a daily basis.

This is a powerful exercise that cannot help but build confidence.

Now get out there – work these crazy tips and watch your confidence grow.

I’m rooting for you!

Your Turn:

What tips, techniques or tools have you found to be helpful in building confidence in your life?

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