You Are Marvelous!

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Home Life Purpose Are You Trying Too Hard

Too many of us are on a crazy schedule day in and day out. We push hard from the moment we wake until we drop off into the bed.

We have “things to do”. We have a boss to please, a family to run and a house to keep in shape. We battle with “never enough time” and have become friends with “can’t you see I’m busy?”

Life rushes by in a blur and we rarely catch even a glimpse of its goodness.

Truth be told – we don’t really like the life we are living. In the back of our mind we know that we are working ourselves into an early grave.

Consider this:

Maybe you are trying too hard.

What happens when you try too hard?

  • There is tightening in your body, especially the neck, back, and stomach (this is your personal power center).
  • You indulge in bad foods.
  • You pour on the guilt and feelings of inadequacy.
  • The negative voices come out in full force when you cannot get everything done: “I am not good enough”;  “I don’t measure up.”
  • You can’t sleep.
  • Your health begins to deteriorate.
  • You are constantly anxious and have very little peace.
  • Some folks fall into panic attacks.

Have you been there? Are you there right now?

 How to stop the madness:

FirstSTOP. Stop what you are doing. Step away and find a quiet place where you will not be disturbed.

SecondClose your eyes and get clear.

What does that mean DeLores?

I’m not talking about freeing your mind of every thought. I am talking about focusing your mind and thinking about the things in life that mean the most to you. Get clear on what makes you happy. Focus on what you truly want out of life. Think about the people, places, situations and dreams that make you a better, less anxious, fully engaged and powerful person.

I’m willing to bet that you have not sat down and thought about these things in a long while. Your constant striving, pushing and working  has taken away your focus on the things that matter the most in life.

Think on these things. Take 10 minutes or as long as it takes for you to get clear again.

ThirdStart loving yourself again.


1. Create a list of positive affirmations each day.

Write them down in a journal, your computer, or a scrap piece of paper. It doesn’t matter, just get them out until you start believing them.


  • I am peaceful.
  • I am calm.
  • I deserve to have all that matters the most to me in life.

2. Find healthy ways to express all of your self-sabotaging emotions.

Say NO, to blame, guilt and shame.

See yourself as a compassionate, forgiving soul.  Clear your mind from the constant inner critic and let the loving voice within you take over.

Be kind and gentle with yourself

FourthAllow yourself the gift of letting go.

Start by not getting frustrated with yourself. It’s okay to let go. Say that to yourself over and over again.

Now reorganize your priorities and remove things that do not match up with your new goals.

Lastly, stay true to your new clear vision BUT, if you slip up – do not beat yourself up. Simply sit down again, get clear and get back on the path.

I understand that it is good to be driven in life. The question is:

Are you trying too hard?

Your Turn:

What worked for you in slowing down and not trying too hard? How have you been able to overcome a frenzied lifestyle that was hurting you?

Let’s chat in the comments.

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